Saturday, July 21, 2012


MONEY POLITIC OR VOTE BUYING is a depressing and corrupt practice in Malaysian politics.This discouraging activities has become rampant in Cooperative movements election of the board of directors in the Annual General Meetings. Rules must be clear enforcement must be effective. There are many methods of vote-buying. Some offer money for people not to vote, when they suspect that the voter will vote for their opponents. Others give money or sponsor in advance to solicit support for themselves or their candidates. Who start the practice is it top-down or bottom-up? Definitely it’s the power crazy leaders influencing their followers of the corrupt practices. Integrity and moral values of both of them are gone. If this happens nationwide, the cooperative movements and the nation is also gone.

But there is only one way for voters to save the cooperative or the party and the country by refusing whatever offers they make. In fact those who received the money because of extreme need are under no obligation to vote for the vote-buyer. No one is bound to fulfill the immoral contract, and to agree to sell your vote to someone buying it is an immoral contract. Also remember that once voters sell their votes, they also sell their right to complain against the candidate who bought their votes and starts abusing his or her office and the voters will not have much reason to complain when those to whom they sold their vote abuse their office to serve themselves and not you. In any case, they can claim, voters have been paid in advance. Remember how the ‘peraih’ manipulate the fishermen. Let us not allow those who resort to vote buying to win as these candidates effectively admit they do not deserve to win. Let us make all vote buyers lose and show them that we have better moral values and prevent them molesting us later.

In the 16.6.2012 Koperasi Serbausaha Makmur Berhad AGM, vote buying was indeed extensive and obvious.Candidates under number 3 & 5 in particular offers dinners and money. A booth was open amongst the many operated by members in the morning of the AGM. This booth "3&5" initiated by the two candidates offers free refreshments for breakfast. 

This practice if not checked and restrain  would become cancerous and difficult to control. It is hoped that SKM is able to enforce provisions as stipulated in the Garis Panduan 13.

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